Updated: Tue May 7 17:49:13 UTC 2024

How much is your organic post reach worth?

Social |

I am sure that we all have had that one post, which got 100+ likes and 50+ shares and we start wondering if we were to do an ad, how much will that cost. As you can imagine I have wondered that few times myself and after doing a massive amount of research, I have […]

Robotics To Drive Growth

Robotics |

So, robotics might sounds like a pretty far-fetched idea but a bit of robotics can change the way you think about growth and can massively increase efficiency. This time around I will start with an example, of how I have done this previously and how simple and massively beneficial it was and then later we […]

Website Page speed.. nothing less than 100%

Website page speed |

Over the years average page speed has been a key focus for a most successful business. But it has only got its mainstream importance ever since Google / Bing / DuckDuckGo has started penalising the slow page speeds. A lot of businesses are struggling to maintain the web presence they used to have or gain […]

Why Is Structured Data So Important?

Structured data |

Well let’s start with what is structured data. According to Google, “Google Search works hard to understand the content of a page. You can help us by providing explicit clues about the meaning of a page to Google by including structured data on the page. Structured data is a standardised format for providing information about […]

Single Product Profitability. The Place To Start!

Growth |

This is one of the most overlooked metrics but the rather the most important one when it comes to growth.

CAC For Startups. How To Set Benchmarks?

Growth |

There is no perfect way to calculate CAC, when you haven’t been in the market. But here are some methods that might help when you are just starting.